GUWAHATI: A disaster call can strike at any moment, and urgent addressing of the situation can save life and property. The disaster light burns red almost every day with the increasing population, and timely action can change the outcome.
Summing up a yearly disaster statistics of Assam, 728 major fire calls were reported in the year 2014, 675 in the year 2015, 644 in the year 2016, 777 in the year 2017, and 844 in the year 2018, making it a total of 3668 major fire calls in the past five years. In 2018 alone, 99 major fire calls were recorded in Kamrup (M). Out of these, 19 major fire calls were received in Guwahati Fire and Emergency Sevices (F&ES) Station, ten calls were received in Chandmari F&ES station, 37 calls were received in Dispur F&ES station, nine calls were received in Pandu F&ES station, 15 calls were received in Lokhra F&ES station, eight calls were received in Sonapur F&ES station, and one call was received in Chandrapur F&ES station.
GUWAHATI: There is a great deal of enthusiasm and confidence among the ruling BJP…
The yearly disaster statistics of Assam for serious fire calls recorded 14 calls in the year 2014, 7 in the year 2015, 11 in the year 2016, 15 in the year 2017, and 8 in the year 2018, making it a total of 55 serious fire calls in the past five years. A total of 4247 total fire calls were reported in the year 2014, 3819 in 2015, 3420 in 2016, 3426 in 2017, and 3799 in 2018, making it a total of 18711 total fire calls in the past five years. In 2018 alone, 638 unlimited fire calls were recorded in Kamrup (M). One hundred ninety-three were received in Guwahati F&ES Station, 110 were received in Chandmari F&ES Station, 145 were received in Dispur F&ES Station, 101 were received in Pandu F&ES Station, 54 were obtained in Lokhra F&ES Station, 26 were obtained in Sonapur F&ES Station, and nine were received in Chandrapur F&ES Station.
Against these fire and other disaster cases, statistics reported of life lost summed up to 181 in the year 2014, 156 in the year 2015, 226 in the year 2016, 262 in the year 2017, and 255 in the year 2018, making it a total of 1080 lives lost in the past five years. Out of these, in 2018 alone, 25 lives were lost in Kamrup (M), out of which 15 lives were lost in Guwahati, six lives were lost in Chandmari, one life was lost in Dispur, one life was lost in Pandu, and two lives were lost in Chandrapur.
Property damage was recorded to be Rs 64,84,65,170 in the year 2014, Rs 89,03,71,347 in the year 2015, Rs 76,27,67,798 in the year 2016, Rs 90,40,48,780 in the year 2017 and Rs 1,02,61,30,626 in the year 2018, making it a total of Rs 4,23,17,83,721 of property damaged in the past 5 years. Out of these, on 2018 alone, property damage in Guwahati was calculated to be Rs 2,57,25,000, Chandmari reported loss of Rs 56,21,150, Dispur reported loss of Rs 5,41,56,052, Pandu reported loss of Rs 55,15,800, Lokhra reported loss of Rs 2,47,70,450, Sonapur reported loss of Rs 59,60,000 and Chandrapur reported loss of Rs 1,38,000.